Round 6 – Summer Showdown

SKRC Round 6 is just around the corner, taking place on the 15th and 16th of June, 2024, at the iconic Shenington Kart Racing Club. Entries are now open! Ensure you secure your spot by submitting your entry before Sunday, 9th June. Entries submitted after this date will incur late entry fees until the final […]

Maypole Sprint – Round 5

Good Morning! Thank you to everyone that attend Round 4 of the Shenington Kart Racing Club Championship. The weekend ran smoothly with the support of the drivers, officials and marshals. The circuit did fall behind timetable due to a red flag and a couple of problems, however between everyone the circuit managed to gain all […]

Completed – Round 4: Easter Express

Round 4 took place on April 21st. The racing was superb, with very close tight race results being seen across all the classes competing. If you missed the event, we are sorry you couldn’t join us, however check out our Calendar to see when our next event is! Dear SKRC Community, The Easter Express – […]

Licence Upload

We would like to remind you of the importance of uploading your 2024 Licence to your Alpha Profile before your scheduled arrival at the circuit. This step is crucial to ensure a smooth and efficient process upon your arrival. Failure to complete this requirement may result in the imposition of a non-production fee. In the […]

Round 8 – Thank You

Shenington KRC would like to thank all competitors, marshals and officials for their co-operation in running through Sunday without a lunch break to try and avoid the expected rain.  Regarding the bumps that have appeared on the way into Café corner with the new resurfacing, we are taking action.  We had our contact down on […]

Round 5

The SheningtonKRC Committee extends its heartfelt gratitude to all the drivers who participated in practice and/or races over the weekend. The weather bestowed upon us a delightful taste of summer, with warm temperatures prevailing, albeit with a slight drizzle on Friday. Friday’s turnout witnessed a modest number of entries, with a notable surge in participation […]


We are now accepting entries for Round 1 of the Shenington Club Championship and Round 1 of the Shenington Winter Championship and look forward to hearing from you. Please be reminded that there will be a practice on Friday to allow you to get settled, and for the setup to be tweaked after your Christmas […]