Shenington KRC would like to thank everyone who supported the Superprix and Historic Revival in July. It was by far the biggest kart event of the year, with 320 racing and 78 signed on for demonstrations, all live streamed by alphaLive and highlighted on Motorsport UK TV. The Gearbox hairpin was named “Bryan’s” in a ceremony on Saturday evening, in memory of our sadly departed treasurer Bryan Riman.

Congratulations to all winners and especially the new E Plate champions:
IAME Waterswift Restricted: Colbe Pattison
IAME Waterswift Intermediate: Jesse Phillips
IAME Junior X30: Fred Green
IAME Senior X30: Caden McQueen
Junior TKM: Yehan Kallychurn (for the second year)
TKM Extreme: Alistair Cresswell
TKM Clubman: Craig Summers
KZ2: James Glenister
210 National: Lionel Sifleet
And to the Gil Rixon Junior Driver of the Day Cian Geraghty, the Senior Driver of the Day Craig Summers and the KZ2 Driver of the Day Dan McKeown
We would also like to thank all those who sent kind comments about our marshals and officials who did a great job over the weekend in some challenging circumstances with the weather. Apologies to those who were disadvantaged with car parking difficulties. We also apologise for the temporary shortage of water on Saturday afternoon, exacerbated by someone leaving a tap running. We will learn lessons for next year.
We wish to thank all our valued sponsors, including Voneus, IAME with John Mills Engineering, Tal-Ko, JAG Engineering, TCR UK and Stu Stretton Photography. Voneus, the local high speed fibre broadband supplier, totally embraced the event, with 1000 of various goodies given away. Although the historic demonstrations were curtailed for some on Friday, by Sunday a large number of classic and historic karts entertained the crowd. All this, the racing and interviews is on the alphaLive youtube channels.