Here’s what’s in store at Shenington for the 2023 season, which is much anticipated and starts with us on 13-15 January. There are quite a few new classes expected, especially for Cadets and the new Intermediate class. Shenington are inviting IAME, Rotax, TKM and Honda as follows, all subject to sufficient entries. With the large number of classes, and Formula Libre including the new X30 options, and gearbox, we will have to put on some heats on Saturday afternoons. So the Winter Series Championship meetings in January, February and March will all have a Friday practice day and then a two day meeting, practice on the Saturday morning then a heat, with the remainder of the heats and the finals on Sunday. April and May also have a Friday practice scheduled as well as Saturday practice. Inevitably some classes will have to run together. As always we are on the third Sunday of the month, January to November except August. So the classes offered for 2023 are:
Cadet:(900 or 950mm chassis). IAME Waterswift, Honda GX160 as now, Honda GX200 Sealed engine, Rotax Cadet Micro, IAME Gazelle as now until phased out.
Intermediate: (950mm chassis) IAME Waterswift, Honda R200 sealed, TKM Inter, (TAG engine only), Rotax Inter-Mini
Junior: Junior X30, Junior Max and Junior TKM where clutch is now mandatory.
Senior: X30, TKM, Rotax Senior Max, TKM Clubman, Formula Libre for Junior Rotax engine and X30 engine.
Gearbox: KZ2 and Superkart 250 Mono
Check out all the new classes on the Motorsport UK class list here.